Take Something Literally 2 (wip): looking for funny rewards

[:en]screenshotI almost finished to develop Take Something Literally 2 but I would like to add some special rewards.
Actually i’m looking for 5 funny rewards: 1 reward if you complete 5 puzzles. (see the screenshot).
As you can see with Take Something Literally 1 I try to create original puzzles with original rewards.
The previous ending reward was this one : Keyboard cat

I’m looking for youtube videos, please post a comment with your link(s).
Try to find an original funny movie: no advertising, no copyrighted movie,
no more 3 min.

Thank you.[:fr]screenshotI almost finished to develop Take Something Literally 2 but I would like to add some special rewards.
Actually i’m looking for 5 funny rewards: 1 reward if you complete 5 puzzles. (see the screenshot).
As you can see with Take Something Literally 1 I try to create original puzzles with original rewards.
The previous ending reward was this one : Keyboard cat

I’m looking for youtube videos, please post a comment with your link(s).
Try to find an original funny movie: no advertising, no copyrighted movie,
no more 3 min.

Thank you.[:]

Author: Benoit Freslon