Take something literally


[swf:/games/take_something_literally/take_something_literally.swf 500 400]

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Take something literally is a complilation of 25 puzzles.
This game is abstract, conceptual, non-conform and uses new interactivities.

Have fun!

How to play:

The rules are quite simple. Take the hints literally and just think outside the box. Be aware of your environement. Everybody can play and enjoy this game. You don’t have to be an hardcore gamer to play you just have to be logical.
You can also find tips on the forum : https://benoitfreslon.com/forum


Year : August 2009


  • Benoit Freslon: Game Design, ActionScript, 2D art, sound design,
  • Translators: Many of wonderful people

Solution and walkthrough:


  • October 2009: Week contest winner on Kongregate.com
  • More than 25M plays


[swf:/games/take_something_literally/take_something_literally.swf 500 400]


Take something literally is a complilation of 25 puzzles.
This game is abstract, conceptual, non-conform and uses new interactivities.

Have fun!

How to play:

The rules are quite simple. Take the hints literally and just think outside the box. Be aware of your environement. Everybody can play and enjoy this game. You don’t have to be an hardcore gamer to play you just have to be logical.
You can also find tips on the forum : https://benoitfreslon.com/forum


Year : August 2009


  • Benoit Freslon: Game Design, ActionScript, 2D art, sound design,
  • Translators: Many of wonderful people

Solution and walkthrough:


  • October 2008: Week contest winner on Kongregate.com
  • More than 4M plays
