Tutorial: How to create a game like Angry Birds in Flash – Part 4 – Create the pigs and the collision detection

Part 4 – Create the pigs and the collision detection


Here the 4th tutorial to learn how to create a physic based game like Angry Birds in Flash.

You can download the complete sources here: How_to_create_a_game_like_angry_birds_part4.zip

If you missed the first tutorial you can find it here: https://benoitfreslon.com/fr/tutorial-how-to-create-a-game-like-angry-birds-with-box2d-world-construction-kit-flash-part-1

In this tutorial we will create the the ennemies: the Pigs. We will detect the collision to destroy it.

[swf:https://benoitfreslon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/main2.swf 800 400]

Create the Pig character

Create the Pig MovieClip:

  1. Insert > New Symbol
  2. Name: Pig
  3. Type: MovieClip
  4. Check export for ActionScript
  5. Class: Pig
  6. OK

Capture d’écran 2013-04-28 à 22.25.04

Draw a beautiful green pig like this with this dimensions: 30×30

Capture d’écran 2013-04-28 à 22.25.21

Or get my sprite:


The Pig class

Create the Pig class.

  1. New > File > ActionSript 3.0 class
  2. Class name: Pig

Copy and paste this code:

package {
	import flash.events.Event;
	import flash.utils.*;
	import flash.geom.*;
	import Box2DAS.*;
	import Box2DAS.Collision.*;
	import Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.*;
	import Box2DAS.Common.*;
	import Box2DAS.Dynamics.*;
	import Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.*;
	import Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.*;
	import cmodule.Box2D.*;
	import wck.*;
	import shapes.*;
	import misc.*;
	import extras.*;
	public class Pig extends Circle {

		/** Constructor method, called when the bird instance is created */
		public function Pig() {
			// constructor code

		/** Called when the pig is added to stage by box2d */
		override public function create():void {
			trace("pig created");
			// Physic properties
			density = 10;
			friction = 1;
			type = "Dynamic";
			reportBeginContact = true;
			reportEndContact = true;
			reportPostSolve = true;
			reportPreSolve = true;
			allowDragging = false;

			// Start the collision detection in 1000ms.
			// Sometimes the collision is detected at start so I delayed the collection detection
			setTimeout(initCollision, 1000);
		private function initCollision():void {
			// Init the collision handler
			listenWhileVisible(this, ContactEvent.POST_SOLVE, postSolveContactHandler, false, 0, true);
		/** Set the physic shapes and the size */
		override public function shapes():void {
			// 15 px of raduis
		/** Method called when this physic object collides */
		private function postSolveContactHandler(e:ContactEvent):void 
			// Get the impulse the contact
			var impulse:b2ContactImpulse = e.impulses
			// Get the normal lenght of the contact
			var normalLength:Number = Math.sqrt((impulse.normalImpulse1 * impulse.normalImpulse1) + (impulse.normalImpulse2 * impulse.normalImpulse2));
			trace("normalLength", normalLength);
			// Check if the contact is strong
			if (normalLength > 1) {
				// Remove the pig

Finally add pigs in the World MovieClip like this:

Capture d’écran 2013-04-28 à 23.32.12

And test your level.

The tutorial is over. If you want more features and more tutorials about the Angry birds engine please post a comment :).

Have fun !