Today a tip for ActionScript developers.
It’s been a while I looking for an advanced trace output with more details in few line of code.
Just add this line of code instead the trace() function to get a trace message in your ouput with all details.
Debug.log("foo", "bar");
The output will show this :
[Class][method][line] foo bar
- Download the Debug.as file
- Copy and paste de Debug.as at the root project, in the same folder of the .fla file
- Enable Debugging in Flash. Publish parameters > swf > Advanced > Allow debugging
- Use the following code to display the advanced debugging message
Debug.log("foo", "bar");
Source code
Debug.as code:
package { /** * Advanced trace method * * @author Benoît Freslon * @version 1.0 * @example Usage * * import Debug; * Debug.trace("foo", "bar"); * * output > [Class][Method][line] foo bar **/ public class Debug { static public function log(...rest) { var error:Error = new Error(); var tr:String = ""; for each (var msg:String in rest) { tr += msg + " "; } var s:String = error.getStackTrace(); var arr:Array = s.split("at ")[2].split("()"); var stack:String = arr[0]; var arrClass:Array = stack.split("/")[0].split("::"); var className:String = arrClass[arrClass.length - 1]; var functionName:String = stack.split("/")[1]; if ( functionName == null ) { functionName = className; } var arrLine:Array = arr[1].split(":"); if (arrLine.length > 1) { var line:String = arrLine[arrLine.length-1].split("]")[0] trace( "[" + className + "][" + functionName + "]" + "[" + line + "]", tr );; } else { trace( "[" + className + "][" + functionName + "]", tr ); } } } }
Good programming :).