- About me
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- NanoWar Android Privary Policy
- Privacy Policy
- My Games
- EnigmBox
- Nano War iOS
- Nano War
- Take something literally
- Take something literally 2
- Rolling Jump
- Color Fish
- The WTF Game Experience!
- Nano War 2
- The key to my He4rt
- GeekIsArt
- Roll and Jump
- La main de Thierry Henry le jeu
- The vuvuzela game
- How to stop the swine flu
- Teflon Challenge Arena
- Vegetables Fighting
- Shoot or Rust
- Z-Project
- Elekt0r K0ntrol
- Space Rangers
- Help me
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Articles par catégorie
- Catégorie : Jeux
- Benoît Freslon – game designer – indie developer – freelance – teacher – blogger
- Real Estate Rush (2024)
- Kawaii Fruits 3D (2024)
- Park Out (2023)
- MicroWars (2019-2022)
- Malfosse, l’affaire 2019 (2019)
- EnigmBox (2013/2017)
- Passeport Applications – Hachette (2016)
- Montessori French Syllables – Edoki (2016)
- Nano War iOS (2013)
- SlipGate : the game (2015)
- ABC Rigolo – Hachette (2015)
- Ghost Splash – No-Human (2015)
- Ma dictée magique – Hachette (2015)
- CleanLand – Cleanance (2014)
- Planet Crunch (2014)
- Fleury Michon : Jump’box – advergame
- Jump’Box – Fleury Michon (2013)
- La danse des épaules (2013)
- The WTF Game experience (2012)
- Color Fish – Teisseire (2012)
- Lord of the tracks – Nissan (2012)
- Nano War 2 (2011)
- Big Ali is PacMan – Sony Music (2011)
- Garden Rush – MesmoGames (2011)
- DSK the game (2010)
- Rolling Jump (2011)
- GeekIsArt – ISART Digital (2010)
- Take Something Literally 2 (2010)
- The Vuvuzela game (2010)
- GeekIsArt: Gameplay for coders
- Décroche la lune – HR-Path (2010)
- La main de Thierry Henry (2009)
- Take Something Literally (2009)
- How to stop the swine flu? The game (2009)
- Roll And Jump (2009)
- Shoot Or Rust (2008)
- Nano War (2008)
- Teflon Challenge Arena (2008)
- Z-Project (2007)
- Space Ranger (2006)
- Elekt0r K0ntrol (2007)
- Vegetables Fighting (2006)
- Catégorie : Game Jams
- Catégorie : Jeux indépendants
- Catégorie : Newsgames
- Catégorie : Travaux professionnels
- Catégorie : Actualités
- EnigmBox 2.0 released on iOS and Android
- Unity – Install and run an APK on all connected devices with a bash script on OS X
- Unity – Get the max android volume with JNI without native plugin
- Unity – Get current android volume with JNI without native plugin
- Save NoLife: The Game – DesertBus 2016 challenge
- Casual Connect Asia 2016: 2 IndiePrize awards for EnigmBox
- Unity – Detect if Wifi is enabled on Android without plugin
- [Tutorial][Unity] Generate and import a bitmap font with a free tool
- Rolling Jump 1.4 testers and translators needed
- Kmembert – game developed in 17h – Post mortem – Ludum Dare 28
- Windows 7 64 bits Boot Camp very slow on boot ? Optimize boot time
- List of independant game contests, showcases and game jams for indie game developers
- EnigmBox: Finalist of the European Indie Game Days awards (EIGD), category: Originality
- ActionScript: hide, remove the context menu items, right click in Flash
- Flash tutorial: creating a simple button with Flash ActionScript 3.0
- FlashDevelop: Color scheme and syntax coloring with all ActionScript 3 keywords
- ActionScript: Move object with smooth acceleration and deceleration with inertia
- EnigmBox – On the AppStore – free download
- Flash tip: Advanced trace output in Flash ActionScript 3.0, Class name, function name and line number
- La danse de l’épaule – le jeu – Danser sur les sardines
- Nano War iOS update 1.05 – Multiplayer mode is available for free
- Tutorial: How to create a game like Angry Birds in Flash – Part 4 – Create the pigs and the collision detection
- Looking for translators for my 2 last indie games
- Tutorial: How to create a game like Angry Birds in Flash – Part 3 – Create the angry bird character
- Tutorial: Use TweenMax libs create a realistic tween with a simple example
- Tutorial: How to create a game like Angry Birds in Flash with Box2d- Part 2 – Create the world
- Tutorial: How to create a game like Angry Birds with box2D, World Construction Kit and Flash – Part 1
- Tutorial: How to replace and hide the cursor in Flash with ActionScript 3
- Nano War – The cell war is available on iPhone and iPad
- Tutorial: install TweenMax libs ActionScript 3 with Flash IDE for beginners
- ActionScript 2: setTimeout call a function with a delay
- Tutorial: Export your Flash animations on iPhone and iPad with cocos2d and TexturePacker
- Color Fish
- The WTF Game Experience Released!
- The WTF Game Experience: private beta test
- Nano War iOS on
- Nano War iOS application beta version, looking for beta testers !
- Rolling Jump version 1.1 with new features was free yesterday.
- ActionScript: Protect your Flash games on the web, sitelock all your games.
- ActionScript: Good practices in Flash Development
- Rolling Jump – iOS highly addicting game
- Nano War 2 finally playable
- Garden Rush : Facebook time management game
- Roll n Jump iphone
- Roll n Jump : android, on the market
- Nano War 2 : Gameplay video, singleplayer
- ActionScript: Tutorial How to create a gravity like a Mario platformer
- Global Game Jam 2011 Paris: GameXtinction (made in 48h)
- ActionScript: Move an object with keyboard with absolute controls
- Nano War 2.0 private beta 6: multiplayer
- ActionScript: Move an object with keyboard with camera relative control
- ActionScript: Move an object to coordinates with smoothing
- ActionScript: Launch a function after a delay with setTimeout
- ActionScript: Throw bullets to mouse direction
- ActionScript: Detect collision between 2 circles
- ActionScript: Get distance between 2 MovieClips
- ActionScript: Red Blood Cells behavior
- Flash with GPU 3D acceleration – Max Racer with p2p multiplayer
- Vote for Take Something Literally 2 to the Flash Gaming Summit 2011
- Take Something Literally 1 & 2 submited to the IGF 2011 contest
- Vote for Nano War and Take Something Literally
- Flash for mobile contests
- Nano War 2.0 beta 4
- The vuvuzela game: just for fun
- Take Something Literally 2: released
- Nano War 2.0 private beta 3
- Take Someting Literally 2 private beta
- Take Something Literally 2 (wip): looking for funny rewards
- TSR > Le jeu qui croque l’actu |
- Nano War 2.0 private beta test
- ActionScript: Orient an object to the mouse cursor with Flash
- Tutorial: How to make a game like Jetman – step 1 – The Jetman
- Translate my games in german, russian, chinese, …
- Flash CS5 builds iPhone applications
- Take something literally, new concept, and new community
- Roll And Jump released
- New game, new gameplay, Roll and Jump
- Nano War Multiplayer v0.83
- How to stop the swine flu – The game
- Win 80% performance on Flash ActionScript 2 project
- Catégorie : Tutoriels