Benoît Freslon
Based in Montpellier, FRANCE
Founding date:
May 1st, 2009
Press / Business contact:
Skype: benoitfreslon
I’m a French professional game designer and a game developer since 2006. I create independent web games and mobile games. Most of my games were awarded and played million times. I love to design and develop original games with new gameplay. I also love to experiment new game experiences.
ChildwoodI always loved entertain people. My first experiences in game design are really old. I started to design games when I was 9 (in 1994) I created games with marbles to create a Football game like the famous Subbuteo to play with my friends. I also try to build a tiny 8 ball Pool with wood planks and golf balls and a “Coin pusher” machine with Lego and an electric Lego engine. All was not exactly like I excepted but I tried. I designed and built a board game with dices, papers, crayons and Lego figurines. It was a Role-playing game like « Heros' Quest ». I didn’t have enough money to buy the real board game so I designed my own game with similar game mechanics. I was surprised that my friends preferred to play my game instead the real board game.
StudiesDuring my studies in university I studied the Macromedia Flash software and how to code. So I developed some small games for school projects in 2003-2006. Then I made a video game school in Paris in 2006-2008 to study the game design and the level design. I developed the first prototype of Nano War in Flash for a French student contest in 2007. Nano War won the 1st price. Then I submitted my game on Kongregate in 2008. 1 week later 200,000 players played Nano War. The game has been reviewed and loved by many famous websites across the world: jayisgame.com, ecran.fr, indiegames.com, speigel.de, etc. But I was really surprised to see many clones of my games on Internet only few weeks later. Unfortunately, I was too busy by my current job to work on my own projects.
Now: Full indie and FreelancerSo in may 2009 I decided to quit my job from a small game studio in Paris to be a Freelance game developer, a video game teacher and a solo indie game developer at the same time. In 2009 I designed a compilation of puzzle games named “Take Something Literally” in Flash. Everybody remember the Psycho Mantis scene in Metal Gear Solid on PSOne. So I wanted to design an “outside the box” puzzle game. My desire was to break the 4th wall, play with all the player environment and experiment this gameplay with an abstract game. Same like Nano War, I also was surprised that my game has been played 30 Million times on Internet. After Nano War 2 and Take Something Literally 2. I developed mobile games for iOS like Rolling Jump, a vertical runner and Nano War for mobile during 2011-2013. Unfortunately, my previous publisher closed in 2014. As a last stand, I designed and developed EnigmBox on iOS in 4 months alone without publisher. The game has been released in 2013 and has been downloaded 340,000 times. As an independent game developer, I try to create original games for casual gamers: easy to play, fun and addictive. Most of my games were awarded and played millions times.
Unsung Heroes Interview YouTube
Gaming Top Talent at Casual Connect Asia 2016 YouTube
The introduction video of EnigmBox [CONTAINS SPOILERS] YouTube
Live chat on Twitch about game development (Theme: Game Jams) [French] YouTube
Live chat on Twitch about game development (Theme: Forgotten features/gameplays) [French] YouTube
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